Limited Edition Photographic Prints and Scarves

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Marine Mollusc Trails : Edition of 15

ink on handmade Japanese paper, 15x21cm
ink on unbleached canvas, 90x129cm

Destinations: Edition of 15

ink on handmade Japanese paper, 35x50 cm



Low Tide: Edition of 15

ink on handmade Japanese paper, 35x50 cm


Nooks and Crannies: Edition of 15

ink on handmade Japanese paper, 35x50 cm


Still Waters Run Deep: Edition of 15

ink on silk, 34x40 cm

Cockles and Mussels: Edition of 15

ink on silk, 60x60cm

Rockscape: Edition of 15

ink on silk, 50x67cm

Low Tide 2 : Edition of 15

ink on silk, 14x30cm


Abstracted from the Rock Pool Series photographs and custom screen printed on cashmere, silk and modal.



Shoreline Scarf/Shawl

Sea Jewels Scarf/Shawl

Marine Trails Scarf/Shawl

Low Tide Scarf/Shawl



The copyright of all artwork on this website is solely owned by the artist Glenys Buzza. Reproduction of this artwork in any way or form is illegal and an infringement of the International Copyright Act.